Conflict resolution
A tailor-made approach for your organization
Would you like me to facilitate a conflict resolution process in your team, department or organization?
We start by exploring what is going on, we discuss your concerns and what needs to change. On the basis of that conversation I propose a specific approach for your organization.
Each process has two main objectives: short-term relief and long-term development.
short-term – defuse the conflict and create space for a constructive dialogue
First of all, we address the conflict in order to stop further escalation.
In doing so, we clarify misunderstandings, increase mutual understanding, and clear the air. This brings new oxygen in the collaboration. People can focus on their work and use their energy in a productive way.
The situation calms down and stress diminishes. The toxic atmosphere clears up, the collaborative climate improves and well-being increases.
New, specific agreements form the basis for more effective collaboration in the future.
long-term – conflict resolution compentencies for the future
At the same time, we invest in the development of insights, skills and the attitude of all people involved in the conflict. We go beyond the ‘quick fix’ approach.
Developing ‘conflict literacy’ in individual employees, managers, teams and the organization, is the best guarantee for real change in dealing with frustrations, disagreement and tensions in the future.
An open climate offers space for differences, critical voices and challenging discussions, without feeling threatened.
When differences are welcomed – instead of being a ‘problem to solve’ – we no longer lose energy in fighting over who is right, or other energy-consuming behaviour and defensive strategies (e.g. us & them, blaming, polarization, scapegoating).
This is the best guarantee that future conflicts will not escalate or get out of control.
conflict resolution: some options
A conflict resolution process can be a combination of different interventions. Here are a few examples.
- A workshop “How to deal with requests for help in conflict?” for HR professionals
- Coaching managers to address difficult topics and to develop an open and productive climate in their teams
- A seminar to develop a vision on conflict management
- A healing circle for groups and teams
- A workshop “Constructive fighting”
- A formal 1-on-1 mediation (with a mediation ‘protocol’)
- Group coaching to support leaders in dealing with conflicts in their departments
- A group mediation with a team or department
- Expert advice in the design of a conflict policy for the organization
- …
Most interventions can also be offered online!
“Getting people to differentiate themselves – to heighten their awareness of their differences – holds the key to integrated problem solving and decision making. (…)
“Systems develop as they recognize and integrate differences. (…)
To integrate you must first differentiate.”
(Weisbord & Janoff)